Dev Request: Dev Request - Pass Web IDs to Hubspot Contacts - SmartDeploy

Status: In Dev Queue
Last updated: November 08, 2022 3:59 PM MST
Originally delivered at: November 19, 2021 5:00 PM MST



We want to accurately credit marketing efforts, content, and spend for customer acquisition, product purchases and lifetime value.

Because the customer journey often takes place across devices and beyond reliable, cookie-based tracking, we cannot use web analytics data alone for this attribution. We need to join web data (Google Analytics and ad-buying platforms) with CRM data (Marketo/Dynamics).


The way to do this is to join the web and CRM datasets in the data warehouse (Google BigQuery). This requires having foreign keys to join the data sets. We can store the web data keys (to be used as foreign keys) on each Lead/Person record created in Marketo. This happens when a form is submitted to Marketo including the special case of the "Download" call-to-action.

Here is a diagram of what the system integration looks like.

This process will have two parts:

  • Creating hidden fields on the Marketo Lead forms to store the web ids.
    • Using Google Tag Manager, adMind will populate these hidden fields with the appropriate web identifier data
  • Configuring the field sync from Marketo to Dynamics.


Task 1: Creating Fields on Hubspot Contacts and Hubspot Forms

The following fields need to be created on Hubspot Contact records and also included on all Hubspot Forms that are currently in use.

Field Machine-Readable (API) Name Field Type Description
Google Analytics Client ID cid Single-Line Text Google Analytics randomly-generated id. Unique per web visitor (approximately, given cookie limitations). Stored in client-side set cookie.
Google Ads Click ID gclid Single-Line Text Google Ads Click ID. Unique per Google Ad Click. Only applicable for Google Ads-visits.
Microsoft Ads Click ID msclkid Single-Line Text Microsoft Ads Click ID. Unique per Microsoft Ad Click. Only applicable for Microsoft Ads-visits.
Reddit Ads Click ID rdt_cid Single-Line Text Reddit Ads Click ID. Unique per Reddit Ad Click. Only applicable for Reddit Ads-visits.
Facebook Ads Click ID fbclid Single-Line Text Facebook Ads Click ID. Unique per Facebook Ad Click. Only applicable for Facebook Ads-visits.
Linked In Ads FAT ID li_fat_id Single-Line Text Linked In ID. Unique per Linked In User (apparently, based on LI docs). Only applicable for some Linked IN Ads-visits.
Full Attribution Mapping attribution_mapping Multi-Line Text Delimited string of all UTMs that lead to this form submission
Task 2: Injecting Field Values Into Hubspot Forms API Submissions

Once Task 1 is complete, adMind will handle this through Google Tag Manager and coordinate with SmartDeploy team before publishing.

Task 3: Further Review of the "Download" special case form

This has been reviewed. Our first attempt will be to treat it exactly the same as other Marketo forms. We expect this to work.