Dev Request: Dev Request - Trial Started

Status: Complete
Last updated: November 08, 2022 3:39 PM MST
Originally delivered at: October 28, 2021 6:00 PM MDT



When the Google Tag Manager library loads it declares a global JS object, dataLayer. It overloads the array prototype .push method so that it can grab on to objects/"events" pushed to that array.


What values are possible there for customer.status?

Other Notes

data.industry, data.current_role, data.number_admins, data.number_machines are from the trial form flow.

data.trial_start_timestamp is the UNIX timestamp for the start of a trial

Data Layer Event: trial_started

Triggering Conditions

Successful submission of the register for trial user flow.

This happens on after authentication on Auth0. The visitor is dropped into a signup flow and after completion of that flow is dropped on /dashboard. It is at this point, the load of the /dashboard route, that the event should fire.

PDQ Trial Started

Event to Log

  window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
    'event': 'trial_started',
    'data': {}

Description of Data Fields


Validation Schema does not have properties

JSON Validation Schema

For Super Techies:

The event payload, everything under the data property, will be validated against this schema. For more see JSONSchema standard.

  "TBD": "TBD"