Dev Request: PDQ CONNECT - Dev Request - Trial Started
We need to track when someone submits the form to start a trial on Since this form has no URL changes pre and post submission, we will need to have a dataLayer push that fires after a user clicks the button to "Proceed to PDQ Connect".
Data Layer Event: PDQ Connect - Trial Started
Triggering Conditions
Fire the below dataLayer upon successful submission of the PDQ Connect register for trial user flow.
This event will have to fire on the button click "Proceed to PDQ Connect", rather than initial page load, since the page will not reload after the form has been submitted.
Event to Log
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
'event': 'trial_started',
'data': {}
Description of Data Fields
Validation Schema does not have properties
JSON Validation Schema
For Super Techies:
The event payload, everything under the data property, will be validated against this schema. For more see JSONSchema standard.
"TBD": "TBD"